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Charity 'orchestra' tunes up for 20th anniversary fund raiser

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 02.01.2012 14:58
One of Poland's most prominent charities, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, is preparing for the 20th edition of its nationwide winter extravaganza.

The grand finale, when millions of zloty are raised for charity, will take place on Sunday 8 January.

This year, proceeds from the event will be be focused on helping premature babies, as well as purchasing insulin pumps for mothers.

As usual, about 120,000 volunteers and charity leader Jerzy Owsiak (pictured) will be helping see that Sunday's event goes smoothly.

Concerts will be staged in towns across Poland, and members of the public will be able to sport the charity's ubiquitous heart-shaped stickers, which are available from volunteers for a token fee.

Over the last nineteen years, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has raised almost 140 million dollars (484 million zloty) towards the cost of state of the art medical equipment.

This year, besides enjoying the action on the streets, members of the public can take part in on-line auctions. Items up for grabs range from an American motorcycle to a boat that formerly belonged to the Navy. (nh/pg)

Source: IAR

tags: charity, Owsiak
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