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Poland shifts into low gear for long weekend

PR dla Zagranicy
Grzegorz Siwicki 20.06.2019 08:30
Poland on Thursday shifted into low gear as many people enjoyed an extended break from work amid warm weather.
Photo: thonatos/pixabay.com/Pixabay License

With the Corpus Christi public holiday on Thursday, many workplaces have given their employees time off to enjoy what was another long weekend in the country this spring.

Police have appealed to drivers to keep their speed down and stay alert behind the wheel as roads swarmed with traffic destined for the seaside and popular resorts.

Polish police on Wednesday launched an annual road safety campaign and stepped up checks as children left school for the year and families began heading off on vacations.

Almost 5 million students in more than 26,000 schools across Poland started their summer break on Wednesday.

When Poles travelled en masse during the previous extended holiday break this spring, known as the May long weekend, 28 people were killed and 441 injured in 361 road accidents nationwide, according to police statistics.


Source: IAR, TVP

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