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Gun which shot JPII will remain in Poland

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 09.05.2017 18:21
The gun used by Ali Agca to shoot Polish pope John Paul II in 1981 will remain on display in Poland for an extra five years.
The gun at the museum in Wadowice. Photo: domjp2.plThe gun at the museum in Wadowice. Photo: domjp2.pl

The Browning HP 9mm gun was used in the assassination attempt of the pope on 13 May 1981 in St. Peter's Square.

It has been on display at the museum dedicated to JPII at his birthplace of Wadowice, southern Poland, since 2014.

On Tuesday a museum representative said that after the gun underwent cleaning and conservation, the Italian Justice Minister decided that the weapon could remain in Poland for another five years.

Friday marks the 36th anniversary of the assassination attempt.

The museum in Wadowice also includes a replica of the room at the Gemelli clinic in Rome where pope JPII was treated after the assassination attempt, as well the blood-stained suit of the pontiff’s bodyguard, Francesco Pasanisi. (rg)

tags: JPII
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