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US Ambassador to Poland: We are celebrating democracy

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 09.11.2016 08:46
The American community in Poland celebrated “democracy and the voting process”, said US Ambassador to Poland, Paul W. Jones, following a tight US presidential election.
A voter marks her ballot at the Alhambra Fire Station for the 2016 US presidential election in Alhambra, California, USA, 08 November 2016. Photo: EPA/MIKE NELSONA voter marks her ballot at the Alhambra Fire Station for the 2016 US presidential election in Alhambra, California, USA, 08 November 2016. Photo: EPA/MIKE NELSON

“I think this is something that we should be proud of in our democracy; when people go to the polls and express their opinion,” Jones told the private TVN broadcaster during an event organised by the embassy to follow the results of the vote.

Global financial markets went into free fall on Wednesday morning as international media indicated that Republican candidate Donald Trump was set to become the 45th president of the US. (rg)

Source: TVN

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