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Two-day elections causing a stir

Administrator Administrator 18.04.2011 10:35
Head of the Presidential Chancellery, Jacek Michalowski has said that the general elections, planned for autumn this year, may last for two days in order to get more people to vote.

''Elections in Poland. Photo: east news

On Sunday, Michalowski underlined that the ultimate decision in the matter rests with the President, with whom consultations are being held.

Meanwhile, head of the opposition Law and Justice parliamentary club, Mariusz Blaszczak told Polish Radio, Monday morning, that according to the party, two-day elections are against Poland’s constitution.

The Civic Platform-backed idea of two-day elections has also been criticised by the Democratic Left Alliance.

Speaking to Polish Radio, Blaszczak said that Law and Justice has filed a motion to the Constitutional Tribunal in the matter. “The Constitution makes it very clear that there is a ‘day’ for elections, in the singular form,” Blaszczak underlined.

Other fears raised by the Law and Justice party are that two-day elections could be construed as “dishonest”, with Blaszczak saying that ballot boxes would be placed under the control of local governments, with risks that additional ballot papers may be added overnight. (jb)

Source: IAR/PAP

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