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Former Defense Minister: nuclear-arms discussion a ‘huge mistake’

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 08.12.2015 17:10
The discussion in Poland over whether to take part in NATO’s “nuclear sharing” will make the country look bad in the eyes of foreign partners, said former Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak.
Former Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak. Photo: Flickr.com/Ministerstwo Obrony/Robert Suchy/DKS MONFormer Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak. Photo: Flickr.com/Ministerstwo Obrony/Robert Suchy/DKS MON

“I really think that the conduct of [Poland in] this case is worse than a crime. It is a mistake and will have an impact on the security of Poland for a long time,” Siemoniak told the TVN broadcaster on Tuesday.

Poland’s Defence Ministry has recently denied it is considering asking for access to NATO’s “nuclear sharing” programme, despite earlier reports of the opposite.

The statement was issued on Sunday in response to a comment made by Polish deputy Defence Minister Tomasz Szatkowski on Saturday.

Szatkowski told the private broadcaster Polsat that the ministry was considering asking for access to nuclear weapons through the Alliance’s programme, in which “non-nuclear” NATO states could borrow the weapons from the US. (rg/di)

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