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Power plant leakage 'under control'

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 17.07.2014 08:58
Poland's State Fire Service has assured that there is 'no threat to the environment' after a fuel leakage at a power plant in Kozienice, central Poland, reached the River Vistula.

Firemen at work on the River Vistula by the power plant at Kozienice. Photo: PAP/Leszek Szymanski

About 5 tonnes of mazut, a low quality fuel oil, leaked from the plant on Wednesday.

“No more than 5 percent, in other words about 250kg, entered the Vistula,” local fire service spokesman Pawel Kowalski said.

He added that firemen had managed to block the fuel from reaching the main stream of the river.

“There is no threat to the environment,” he assured.

Piotr Ludwiczak, a press officer of energy company Enea, which runs the plant, has said that the cause of the leak was a faulty valve linking a pipe with one of the plant's boilers.

The plant, which is 75km south of Warsaw, is Poland's largest producer of electricity, and it is fired by coal.

About 2300 people are employed at the site.(nh)

Source: PAP

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