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Charity fund-raiser collects 12 million euros for kids and elderly

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 06.03.2013 13:12
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity raised 50 million zloty (12 million euro) for sick children and the elderly this year, the charity's leader Jerzy Owsiak said at a press conference, Wednesday.
Jerzy Owsiak: photo - PRJerzy Owsiak: photo - PR

"The money will be used to save the lives of children and give seniors decent medical care," Owsiak said, after the fund raising marathon in January.

The money was raised by the charity – which has been operating since 1993 - through pledges by the public and auctions by celebrities.

Owsiak said that there are currently only 270 geriatricians operating in 35 wards with a total of 750 beds in Poland.

The money raised will be used to buy anti-bedsore mattresses, adjustable beds, bedside ultrasound and rehabilitation equipment, zimmer frames and wheelchairs. (pg)

source: PAP

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