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Government tight-lipped after coalition talks

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 04.12.2012 08:16
PM Tusk will reveal this afternoon results of three-hour talks between coalition partners as to which post new leader of the Polish Peasants Party (PSL) will take in cabinet.

Janusz Piechociński (PSL) leaves in a car after talks with PM Tusk: photo - PAP/Radek Pietruszka

Polish government spokesmen refused to give details after the talks, Monday, as to who would take over at the economy ministry after deputy prime minister, Waldemar Pawlak resigned.

“The meeting between Prime Minister Tusk and [new leader of junior coalition partner, the Polish Peasants Party, Janusz] Piechocinski has ended. The findings will be submitted tomorrow at a joint press conference,” spokesman Pawel Gras, from the senior coalition partner, Civic Platform (PO) tweeted Monday night.

Janusz Piechocinski beat deputy prime minister and economy minister Waldemar Pawlak in the Polish Peasants Party (PSL) leadership election two weeks ago.

PSL has three ministers in the centre-right coalition, and Pawlak held both deputy prime minister and economy minister jobs.

Talks between Civic Platform and PSL have centred on Janusz Piechocinski's aim to become deputy prime minister 'without portfolio' only, leaving the door open for another member of PSL to take over at the economy ministry.

Former PSL agriculture minister, Marek Sawicki, told Polish Radio that, “if Janusz Piechocinski is without portfolio, it would mean more time for him to work with the party,” arguing that having three jobs – two in the cabinet and one leading the party – was too much to ask from one politician.

But Prime Minister Donald Tusk said earlier on Monday that he “does not recommend to our coalition partners such ideas as being a member of the government who is not responsible for anything. This does not work properly”.

Tusk added that the new change at the top in the rural-based PSL did not mean having to “make a revolution in government” and the re-shuffle prompted by the leadership election will be limited.

The PSL's Supreme Council authorized Piechocinski to discuss which post he would take up in government at the weekend.

The new leader of PSL arrived at the Prime Minister's Office for crucial talks into who gets what post within the cabinet shortly before 18.00 CET, Monday evening.

The 52-year-old Piechocinski was known to be reluctant to hold two posts in the coalition government with the senior coalition partner, Donald Tusk's Civic Platform.

Polish Radio reported over the weekend that Piechocinski was looking for another member of PSL to take up the economy ministry job and offered the role to local government marshal in the south east Lublin district, Krzysztof Hetman – among others – but he refused the offer.

Former governor of the Bank of Environmental Protection, Jerzy Pietrewicz, was also another name thought to be under consideration.

Mariusz Kaminski, an MP for the largest opposition party, Law and Justice (PiS), said that it is no surprise that nobody wants to be economy minister, while the economic “situation is difficult, unemployment is rising, many companies are going bankrupt” and “Donald Tusk will try to put some of the blame, quite rightly, on his coalition partner”. (pg)

source: IAR/PAP

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