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Government to put forward IVF bill

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 15.10.2012 08:30
The ruling Civic Platform (PO) is to present a bill in parliament on possible state-funding for IVF, says Prime Minister Donald Tusk.


The centre-right Civic Platform has been working on two draft bills, one more conservative under Justice Minister Jaroslaw Gowin, the other more liberal under Malgorzata Kidawa-Blonska, deputy chairman of the Civic Platform parliamentary party.

The party's conservative and liberal wings have split recently over issues such as abortion, with many supporting further restrictions on Poland's already strict abortion law in a vote in parliament last week.

Prime Minister Tusk stated in April that “the key issue is the funding for this procedure”.

Currently, couples wishing to undergo IVF treatment must pay for it outside of Poland state health system.

Speaking to Polish Radio Sunday morning, Tusk said the possibility of refunding IVF treatment may affect a small and limited group of people.

Tusk has indicated that the bill to be passed through parliament will offer a limited amount of women state funding for IVF.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) - a process where an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body - is a major treatment for infertility when other methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed.

The Catholic Church is against IVF and advocates adoption for infertile couples instead.

The conservative opposition Law and Justice party (PiS) submitted two draft bills to parliament this year calling for an outright ban on IVF.

According to a poll by the Public Opinion Research Centre (CBOS) carried out in August, some 79 percent of respondents are in favour of the treatment for married couples who are unable to have children naturally. (di/pg)

source: IAR

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