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Diplomatic Bag :: EU critiques new Hungarian constitution

PR dla Zagranicy
Monika Greszta 05.01.2012 19:00
  • Diplomatic Bag :: EU critiques new Hungarian constitution
In this week’s programme, we take a look at the rising anger with the Hungarian ruling Fidesz party, following the introduction of new constitution in the country.

Opponents of the new constitution, which was pushed through parliament by Hungary's ruling party Fidesz, say it threatens democracy by removing checks and balances, changing the electoral system, which now favours Fidesz, limiting the power of president and undermining the independence of judiciary. The centralisation of the state media and the new law on the central bank are also subject to criticism.

The new constitution is not only criticised domestically. High profile opponents include the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who think it violates basic rules of democracy.

In this week's Diplomatic Bag: Monika Greszta examines European reactions to the developments in Hungary.

Victor Orban, Hungary's PM. Photo: OECD on flickr (CC atb nc sa)
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