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Poland defends the open border rules despite Europe-wide skepticism

PR dla Zagranicy
Agnieszka Skieterska 08.07.2011 14:27
  • Poland defends Schengen zone - 8.07.2011
Presenting the priorities of Poland's EU presidency at the European Parliament PM Donald Tusk reiterated that this country is for the continuation of the open border rules.


Danuta Isler reports

The declaration comes just after Denmark reinstated customs controls on its borders with Norway following suite - a move they say is in line with the Schengen passport-free travel area and whose aim is not to control travellers but to combat the smuggling of illegal goods and drugs.

Following the Arab upheaval Poland, just like the rest of Europe, is struggling with how to deal with asylum seekers who come to its soil for a better life. The country's government has just adopted the amendment to the immigration law. The amnesty - the third in the last twenty years - could cover even up to ten thousand foreigners according to official estimates. Poland is taking these steps despite recent anti-immigration sentiments on the continent and calls to reinstate the EU's internal borders.

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