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Polish Finance Minister: Eurozone a ‘vital Polish interest’

PR dla Zagranicy
Agnieszka Skieterska 04.07.2011 14:22
  • Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski: Eurozone a ‘vital Polish interest’ - 4.07.2011
In an exclusive interview for the English Service of Polish Radio, Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski outlines the problems of the eurozone and assesses the preliminary proposals of the EU’s budget for 2014-2020.
Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski. Photo: PAP

“Poland is very conscious of the fact that the stability of the eurozone is a vital Polish interest,” Jacek Rostowski told Polish Radio reporter Michal Kubicki.

“We are not members of the eurozone, but helping the eurozone to maintain its stability during our presidency is central to the success of our presidency because it is central to maintaining the stability of the European Union,” Poland’s Finance Minister adds. (jb)

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