CENTRAL EUROPE TODAY :: EU-India talks in Brussels
PR dla Zagranicy
Danuta Isler
14.04.2016 21:00
CET: Brussels host EU-India talks
In the show: Brussels has recently hosted the 13th EU - India summit; Polish students win award for re-imagining Mumbai and: homeschooling is a very rare but existing phenomenon in Slovakia.
While in Brussels, the Indian Prime Minister paid tributes to the victims of the Brussels attacks. Photo: Twitter.com/PMO India
The EU is India's largest trading partner, accounting for 13% of India's overall trade, ahead of China (9.6%) and the United States (8.5%). The EU is also the largest investor in India.
"For many, many years the EU has been giving lessons of democracy to India and criticising India for moral perspective. If the EU continues this attitude there will be no serious discussions with India because India is an experienced democracy and in many cases it is even better than the EU"
Adam Burakowski, professor at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) who specialises in political science of south Asia told CET ahead of the Brussels talks.
CENTRAL EUROPE TODAY is a regional infotainment magazine, reporting on business, tourism, culture and lifestyle of the region. Presented by Danuta Isler