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Superman - Soviet style...

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 17.06.2015 13:57
  • Superman - Soviet style
Superman: Red Son - the Soviet alternative to the American comic book super hero - has just hit book stores here in a Polish language translation.
Image: DC ComicsImage: DC Comics

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Clark Kent would not find his way as a child into the home of a loving American family in Smallville but - owing to a twist of fate - be brought up in an agricultural cooperative farm in Soviet Russia?

Sławek Szefs wonders whether he would he still become the Superman we all know and the hero we admire?

“I was quite surprised when I found out that there would be a Polish language version of this book. I’d never thought that would ever happen considering your history,” says Dave Johnson who illustrated the Mark Millar comic book story.

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