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Krakow Photomonth takes on fashion

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 31.05.2013 13:38
  • 11th Photomonth in Krakow
The 11th edition of Krakow's Photomonth is currently spreading its tentacles across the city, with fashion as the central theme this year.

The show 'Fashion Film' at Angel Wawel, ul. Koletek. Photo: photomonth.com/Studio Luma

“We are all somehow in the world of fashion,” festival director Tomasz Gutkowski told our Krakow correspondent Nick Hodge.

“Whenever we go to work, we put on a uniform – we are in a way fashion victims,” he said.

Limits of Fashion
'Limits of Fashion' show: Bunkier Sztuki gallery

In this audio report, Gutkowski says that photography is “the perfect tool” to explore fashion contexts such as sociology, ethnography, culture and personality.

As always, hallowed exhibition halls and backstreet cafes are taking part in Photomonth, as well as normally inaccessible venues such as the Angel Wawel development, on the site of a long-disused nunnery.

Meanwhile, for those in search of iconic fashion photography, the National Museum is hosting highlights from the collection of 87-year-old German master F.C Gundlach.

“I think fashion photography is very important, because it reflects every decade of every century,” he said.

“And nowadays it changes maybe every month, it's faster and faster.”

The 11th edition of Photomonth runs until 16 June. For more information on all the events connected with the festival, the official web site lists all shows, workshops, lectures and parties.

Op-Art Fashion, by F.C' Gundlach. 1966
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