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FOCUS :: Virtuoso double bass

PR dla Zagranicy
Elżbieta Krajewska 02.05.2013 16:53
  • Focus EK Kontrabas 02_05.mp3
One hundred or so double bassists home in on Wrocław.

There's a classic Polish pop song about a lovely cello player... but how romantic is a double bass? That may seem to be an instrument that's usually somewhere at the back of an orchestra or making a nice warm booming sound in a jazz band.

But there is a large group of aficionados who consider it a peerless virtuoso instrument...

Irena Olkiewicz, to all probability Poland's first woman to play double bass, and organiser of the First International Double Bass Symposium now on at the Academy of Music in Wrocław, talks to Elżbieta Krajewska.

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