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Cyprus was a good mediator during EU presidency

PR dla Zagranicy
Veronika Joy 03.01.2013 09:00
  • A report by Danuta Isler
Ireland's 7th term in EU presidency will be about stability, jobs and growth

According to Lucinda Creighton, Ireland's European Affairs minister, the single market would be Ireland’s priority, with particular emphasis on creating jobs and growth. "We're taking over the presidency at the very exciting time in the European agenda not least because of the economic crisis which we ahve been grappling with for the last few years but also because of the new budgetary perspective for the European Union. We want it concluded quickly and with good result. Our focus with the presidency will be on growth and job creation. That is not an easy task but the one we really relish" she said during a recent visit to Warsaw for talks with her Polish counterpart Piotr Serafin.

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