Greenpeace looking out for crops and farmers
PR dla Zagranicy
Veronika Joy
25.10.2012 18:00
A report by: Sławek Szefs
By the year 2025 EU farmers risk using even 15 times more of glyphosate-type agents on HTGE corn, soy or sugar beet crops to stem growth of resistant super-weeds
A Greenpeace report warns European farmers against herbicide-tolerant genetically engineered (HTGE) crops.
"The situation forces farmers to buy increasing quantities of herbicides, often more toxic types, which additionally negatively affect the environment. This results in greater expenses. Farmers also sustain losses due to rising prices for genetically modified seeds and the need to use more herbicides," says Joanna Miś, Polish coordinator of the Greenpeace-launched "Stop GMO" campaign.