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Gas giant PGNiG ramps up shale gas deals with local cos

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 26.01.2012 13:03
State-owned oil and gas company PGNIG will work with other state-owned energy producers PGE, Tauron and copper miner KGHM in shale gas exploration in Poland.


The company said it had signed three letters of intent to cooperate with the three domestic heavyweights.

The government said recently it wants state-owned companies to make a 'strong' contribution to developing domestic shale gas.

Shale gas could start production in 2014, according to the government.

Poland has the largest deposits in Europe estimated at 5.3 trillion cubic metres and enough to meet domestic gas needs for up to 200 years, according to some projections.

At present Poland relies for its energy supplies mainly from Russia and environmentally unfriendly but domestically mined coal.

The government is becoming increasingly interested in maximimising domestic benefits from shale gas production, hence PGNiG's and the country's main oil refiner PKN Orlen's plans to ramp up cooperation with local players.

The move is important in that it indicates a shift towards greater interlinkage of domestic resources, and possibly away from a reliance on foreign majors.

PGNiG holds 15 such of about 100 shale gas exploration licenses, with global majors such as Chevron and Exxon Mobil also eager to get in on the act.

The three agreements are for exploration in the Wejherowo acreage in northern Poland.

Wejherowo is one of 15 concessions held by PGNiG and believed to be one of the largest, although exact figures have not been released, if they are known at all at this stage.

The three domestic power producers will reportedly be responsible for infrastructure works above ground.

The total investment will be somewhere between 400 million and 500 million zlotys, PGNiG said.

Tauron said it plans to build a gas-fired power plant and plans to work with PGNiG on a 600 megawatt plant at Stalowa Wola. It also plans to build an 800 megawatt plant with KGHM, both fired by shale gas.(jh)

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