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Polish złoty unaffected by election results

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 26.10.2015 11:19
Poland’s złoty was largely unaffected against foreign currencies following the landslide victory of Law and Justice (PiS) in Sunday’s election.
Photo: Radio PolandPhoto: Radio Poland

“The results of the parliamentary elections in Poland have not significantly affected changes in the prices of the złoty. EUR/PLN began a slight rise in the week moving closer to 4.26, which is however a much lower level than that recorded at the closing of the session last week at around 4.30,” Raiffeisen Polbank wrote in a statement on Monday.

“The moderate reaction is probably due to the fact that since the presidential elections in May, investors have been preparing for changes on the political scene in Poland. Moreover, most likely [the PiS win] managed to avoid a negative scenario in which there was a lack of a majority party, which could lead to problems with forming a new government and even early elections,” the statement read.

The IPSOS exit poll on Sunday indicated that conservative opposition coalition led by the Law and Justice party won Poland's general election with 39.1 percent of the vote. (rg/rk)

Photo: Onet Biznes

tags: fx market, złoty
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