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Poland not to exhibit at EXPO 2015?

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 21.05.2013 09:30
The Ministry of Economy has reportedly decided not to promote Poland at EXPO 2015 in Milan, Italy.


The Puls Biznesu financial daily reports the ministry has decided not to allocate resources for the exhibition, though the final decision will be taken this week.

“Poland does not need to be promoted in Europe for such a large sum of money,” Adam Szejnfeld, an MP for the ruling Civic Platform and former undersecretary of state at the economy ministry told the newspaper.

Representatives of Poland's business circles are critical of the decision not to exhibit at the world's largest trade fair, however.

“For some time now it has been obvious that promoting the economy is not a priority for the government,” said Katarzyna Urbańska from the Lewiatan Confederation of Private Employers.

Five million people visited the 'Polish Pavilion' at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. (pg)

tags: expo 2015
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