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Poland to be a 'leader of deregulation in Europe'

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 29.01.2013 07:15
Deputy PM Janusz Piechocinski has told a meeting of Poland's diplomats that there will be an increased effort to maintain foreign investment in Poland to fight the economic slowdown.

Janusz Piechociński during a speech to diplomats, Monday: photo - PAP/Leszek Szymanski

Janusz Piechocinski, who is also the economy minister in the centre-right Civic Platform/PSL coalition, said that there would be, this year, “over 200 trips and promotional meetings organized by the Ministry of Economy. We want to show partners quickly that apart from existing competitive advantages [in Poland] in the form of low taxes and low labour costs, Poland has an innovative and very well educated young generation who want to work”.

The minister said that the key was to open up barriers to cross-border trade.

“Our ambition is to be the leader of deregulation in Europe,” Piechocinski told the diplomats.

“Our partners are not only the countries of the former Soviet Union, not only Turkey and not just the Middle East and Asia: in the last year we also increased our relationship with our Chinese partner,” said Piechociński.

He added that in 2013, Poland will be seeking new partners in Asia and Africa , and “a rapid clarification of the rules of trade with Canada [and] trade agreements with the United States.” (pg)

source: PAP

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