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The English National Ballet in Poland

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 04.05.2017 16:56
An annual Ballet Festival in Łodź, central Poland, has been inaugurated by the English National Ballet’s production entitled “Ballet Bold”.
Photo: Pexels.comPhoto: Pexels.com

It is a triple-bill by several choreographers, set to music by various composers. As a special gesture to mark Poland’s National Holiday, 3 May, British dancers included the polonaise into Act III of Tchaikovsky’s “The Sleeping Beauty”.

On Friday and Saturday, the English National Ballet is billed with the classical ballet “Le Corsaire” (The Pirate), choreographed by Anna-Marie Holmes, with sets by Hollywood designer Bob Ringwood. It is the company’s first visit to Poland.

The programme of the Łódź Ballet Festival, which runs until 20 June, includes performances by five other companies.

Among them are the Akram Khan Company from the UK, RUBBERBANDance Group from Canada, Acosta Danza from Cuba, and the Ballet Company of the Łodź Grand Theatre.

Launched in 1968, the Łódź Ballet Festival is held for the 24th time. In previous years it hosted some of the world’s top companies, including the 20th-Century Ballet of Maurice Bejart, Ballet Rambert, the Royal Ballet, Ballet Nacional de Cuba and the Bolshoi Theatre Ballet from Moscow.


tags: ballet
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