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A Pole chairs International Mountain Museums Alliance

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 17.12.2015 10:40
The director of the Tatra Museum in Zakopane, Anna Wende-Surmiak, has been elected as the first president of the International Mountain Museums Alliance (IMMA).
The founding members of the IMMA. Photo: Museo Nazionale della MontagnaThe founding members of the IMMA. Photo: Museo Nazionale della Montagna

The IMMA was established on 11 December at the headquarters of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome.

In addition to the Tatra Museum, its founding members are the Museo Nazionale della Montagna in Turin, the Musée Alpin in Chamonix, the Servei General d’Informaciò de Muntanya in Sabadell, Spain, and the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies in Banff.

The membership in the Alliance is open to other mountain museums worldwide.

The aim of the organisation is to exchange experience, launch joint projects and promote wide ranging activities connected with the culture of mountain regions.

Anna Wende-Surmiak told the Polish Press Agency that she felt greatly honoured to have been elected for the post.

“It is a mark of prestige and distinction for our museum and the Tatras,” she said.

She has been elected for a three-year term.

Next year, the Tatra Museum in Zakopane will host a meeting of the International Mountain Museums Alliance. (mk/rg)

tags: Tatra Museum
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