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'Captain Poland' kicking up a storm after contest win

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 06.03.2014 13:31
A Polish comics enthusiast has become a star in his native city of Szczecin, northern Poland, after winning first prize in a Scottish comics convention for his 'Captain Poland' costume.

Tomasz Gierwiatowski in his Captain Poland costume. Photo: PAP/Marcin Bielecki

Tomasz Gierwiatowski took part in Glasgow's 'Ultimate Comic Mart' event over the weekend, where he won the hearts of the judges with his costume for would-be superhero Captain Poland.

Naturally, on the design front, the Polish concoction draws on the red and white colours of the national flag, while the winged mask is a nod to stalwart of the genre, Captain America.

Although not an established figure on the Polish comics scene, Captain Poland has occasionally been portrayed on the internet and elsewhere as a parody of classic superheroes, battling such foes as Poland's social insurance giant ZUS.

In his spare time, Gierwiatowski is 'Chief Executive Officer' of the Szczecin League of Superheroes, raising a smile at charity events in orphanages, hospitals and other institutions. (nh)

Source: PAP

tags: comics, Szczecin
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