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Stars go under hammer in Warsaw auction

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 10.05.2013 10:56
Iconic photographs of sixties and seventies stars went under the hammer in Warsaw on Thursday in a sale from the collection of Princess Grace Radziwill.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono, by Tony Gryll: Tomasz Gzell/PAP

Some 143 prints, taking in Brigitte Bardot, the Beatles, Marlon Brando, Roman Polanski, and John Lennon and Yono Oko were included in the sale held by Warsaw's Desa auction house.

Brigitte Bardot by Jean Pierre Fizet

Princess Grace Radziwill (nee Kolin) was the second wife of Prince Stanislaw Radziwill, who emigrated to Western Europe as a result of the Second World War.

The princess mixed with the beau monde of Paris and London, building up a collection of works by fashionable photographers such as Jean Barthet, Andre Sas and Daniel Cande.

Buyers were able to pick up some relative bargains at the auction. Andre Sas prints of the Beatles went for between 3800 zloty (917 euro) and 16000 zloty (3860 euro), and Prints of John Lennon and Yoko Ono by Jean Pierre Bizet went for between 3800 zloty (917 euro) and 5000 zloty (1207 euro).

Meanwhile, Yoko herself is set to visit Poland this summer as part of Poznan's Transatlantic Festival. She will be performing a concert in the city, alongside Thurston Moore, on 7 August. (nh)

Source: PAP/ Rzeczpospolita

The Beatles, by Andre Sas: image - DESA

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