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Europe must tighten chemicals trade law, says Poland’s EU ambassador

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 26.07.2011 14:12
In the wake of the Norway massacre, Poland’s ambassador to the European Union, Jan Tombiński says that to prevent such tragedies happening again Europe must tighten up, not just gun law, but also the trade in chemicals.

100,000 attended a rally against violence in Oslo yesterday; photo - EPA Britta Pedersen

“We need to meet with people who have expertise in combating terrorism but also with people who have experience in investigating the use of chemicals on the European market, which can be used in attacks such as this. We must also consider how to effectively defend ourselves against these types of situations,” Ambassador Tombiński said Tuesday.

Yesterday police announced that some of the chemicals used by Breivik when making the bombs which went off in Oslo were bought from a web site based in Poland.

In response to the massacre by suspected mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik last Friday, which left 76 dead, there will be a meeting of terrorist experts in Brussels on Thursday.

The meeting is being convened by Poland, which currently heads the EU presidency with representatives from Norway will also be attending.

Ambassador Tombiński said that Poland will resume discussion on draft EU legislation on controlling the trade of chemicals across borders, as proposed by the European Commission last year. (pg)

source: TVP

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