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Trzaskowski castigates Cameron over EU

PR dla Zagranicy
Jo Harper 08.06.2015 12:33
The UK must be told "the brutal truth" that it will lose more than it gains by exiting the EU, Polish deputy Foreign Minister Rafał Trzaskowski said.
Rafał Trzaskowski (PO)Rafał Trzaskowski (PO)

“You cannot keep all the goodies and forget about the costs. Britain will still have to pay into the EU budget, just as the Swiss and Norwegians do […] London would not be that sexy a place for capital movement because it would have much looser links to Europe,” Trzaskowski told The Observer in an interview published Sunday.

Trzaskowski reiterated that Poland opposes UK PM David Cameron’s main demands – that the UK be able to restrict welfare payments to immigrants for at least four years after entering the country.

Cameron went on a whistle-stop tour of four EU countries at the end of May seeking support for plans to deny working migrants the same social benefits as UK residents.

Berlin reportedly believes this key British demand would amount to a fundamental breach of EU law.

The UK referendum on EU membership is to be held next year.

Trzaskowski was also critical of Cameron’s negotiating style. “No one in Europe says, ‘We don’t care, take it or leave it.’ No, we say, ‘Guys, OK, some of your fears are justified, some of your sensibilities should be taken into account, and some of your idiosyncrasies, even though for us they might seem strange. We should talk about it.’

“We do not say ‘Ship out’. But there are certain red lines. We cannot start questioning the cornerstones of integration, because it will have far-reaching consequences.”

The Deputy Foreign Minister also discussed what would happen if the countries do not come to an agreement. “Many people in Europe want to be accommodating … but if the demands are too extreme, they are not going to be met.” (jh/rg)

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