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Poland condemns 'cowardly' Boston marathon terror attack

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 16.04.2013 07:31
Poland's foreign minister has condemned the terrorist bomb attacks which killed three people and injured over 140 near the finishing line at the Boston Marathon on Monday.

Rescue workers attaend to injured: photo - PAP EPA STUART CAHILL THE BOSTON HERALD

“Condolences to the American people after the cowardly attack on athletes in Boston. We condemn the outrageous attack in Boston. Solidarity,” tweeted Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, as the FBI opened an investigation into what is being regarded as the worst terrorist attack on US soil since the 9/11 terror attacks.

Two bombs exploded around two hours after the winners of the marathon had crossed the line, sending a fire ball ripping through what had been cheering crowds.

One of the three dead in the explosion is an eight year-old boy.

The two devices using gunpowder as the explosive were packed with ball bearings and other shrapnel to maximize injuries, a senior law enforcement official briefed journalists on the investigation.

Other unexploded devices are reported to have also been found.

No group or individuals have claimed responsibility for the attacks.

“Everything was like a postcard, just as it should be. And then … a tragedy,” Polish runner, Adam Sulkowski, who had crossed the line one hour before the explosions, told Polish Radio.

“Just a few minutes earlier, there were plenty of smiling people who were taking photos and having a nice time,” Magda Lewandowska, one of the organisers of the annual marathon in Warsaw, who was in Boston to see how the the city organised their marathon, told the PAP news agency.

"I saw people who looked like they had their legs blown off. There was a lot of blood over their legs,” Joe Anderson, 33, a fisherman from Pembroke, Massachusetts, who had just run the race holding a large US flag, told the Reuters news agency.

General view after two explosions near the finish of the 117th Boston Marathon in Boston, Massachusetts, USA 15 April: photo - EPA/Michael Cummo

Some of the injured suffered shrapnel wounds and amputations and will require repeat operations in the coming days, said Peter Fagenholtz, a trauma surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Ambulances, fire trucks and dozens of police vehicles converged at the scene, and spectators could be seen crying and consoling each other.

Up to 30 Poles are reported to have took part in the world's oldest annual marathon.

Mateusz Stąsiek, from the Polish consulate in New York, told the TVN24 news station that authorities are trying to trace the Polish runners who had signed up to take part in the race.

"A huge thanks to our Polish friends who this evening expressed their solidarity and sympathy regarding the events in Boston - we appreciate it!" US ambassador to Poland, Stephen Mull has tweeted.

"Make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this and we will find out who did this," President Barack Obama told reporters. "Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice.”

Yesterday marked both a patriotic holiday in Massachusetts and Israel Independence Day, which raises the possibility of Islamic terrorism. April 15 is also the deadline for filing US federal taxes, which could raise the possibility that the two bombs were exploded by American home-grown extremists. (pg)

Youtube video shows moment of attack - warning: images are disturbing

tags: Boston, terrorism
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