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Poles mourn Norwegian tragedy

PR dla Zagranicy
Agnieszka Skieterska 25.07.2011 14:29
  • Poles mourn Norwegian tragedy - 25.07.2011
The tragedy in Oslo and Utoya island had come as a total shock for public opinion, both with respect to scope and its perpetrator.

Rescue workers following the blasts in Oslo. Photo: PAP/EPA/Morten Edvardsen

Report by Slawek Szefs

A young Pole living in Olso says she still cannot get over the shocking news of the terrorist attacks. Nevertheless, she is convinced the Norwegians' traditional sense of trust and openness will not be discarded as a result of the tragedy.

"Norway is a country with no fences, where society places deep trust in the authorities and this constitutes a great value. Norwegians will not want to depart from this. Security regulations are certainly bound to be amended, but people and their attitude will not abruptly change because of what happened. They have built their identity on this," Beata Iwanek-Wasaznik told Polish Radio.

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